BC Couperus - Neighborhood renovation
  • Principenota 2019 gemeente Amsterdam
    Principenota 2019 gemeente Amsterdam
  • Principenota 2019 gemeente Amsterdam
    Principenota 2019 gemeente Amsterdam

Short version. Switch to Dutch for full article.

On July 3, 2024, everyone could speak at the council committee meeting.
A meeting was held here about the Couperusbuurt investment memorandum of the municipality and Stadgenoot.

The residents' committee was present to speak.
One resident has commented in writing.

Below is the video of the consultation and the later discussion of this point.
Pay particular attention to the poorly informed PVDA (start 1:20 PM and 16:10).
They clearly interpreted and communicated the information differently and in a significantly more positive way.

A compliment is due for the Partij voor de dieren and SP, which showed that they had listened to the speakers and read the documents we emailed.

The later assumption that the council will be kept informed in a few years...
Well, then everyone has already had their turn and the damage has been done.

The final results are expected on July 18.

On April 23, 2024, everyone could speak at the district meeting.
A meeting was held here about the Couperusbuurt investment memorandum of the municipality and Stadgenoot.

The residents' committee was present to speak.

Below is the video of the consultation and the first answers and votes.

Based on the vote per party, you can also determine which political party represents your opinion and perhaps deserves your choice in your next vote.

On April 9, 2024, everyone could speak at the district meeting.
An "assessment meeting" was held here about the draft Couperusbuurt investment memorandum of the municipality and Stadgenoot.

Unfortunately, no residents registered.
Only the residents' committee was present to speak.

Below is the video of the consultation and the first response.
It is important to know that during the break we had a stack of papers handed over to everyone, and that it is not just Mrs. Doevendans who makes the decision.

As far as we are concerned, all residents are entitled to more than is offered.
We advise everyone to make their views known during the consultation period UNTIL MAY 1, 2024.

The residents' committee holds a number of drop-in moments where we can immediately put your opinion on paper and process it.

Stadsdeelcommissie bespreekt concept investeringsnota

De concept investeringsnota Couperusbuurt op 9 en 23 april worden besproken in de stadsdeelcommissie Nieuw-West.

Dit gebeurt in 2 sessies:

9 april: Oordeelsvormend
23 april: Wordt het advies geformuleerd

Uiteindelijk stelt het Dagelijks Bestuur op basis van het advies van de stadsdeelcommisssie het definitieve advies op en stuurt dat naar B&W.
Het advies van het stadsdeel wordt betrokken bij de besluitvorming in de gemeenteraad.

Iedereen die dit wil kan inspreken tijdens deze vergaderingen.

The responsible councilors have made a decision on the draft investment memorandum for the Couperusbuurt.

They agreed.

This means that residents are officially given the opportunity to respond.
The consultation/objection period on the renewal plans is ongoing. From March 20 to May 1, you have the opportunity to let us know in writing (with your name and address) what you think of the renewal plans.

Stadgenoot will hold an information meeting about this on March 26.

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